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Before you can support your child,
you must first understand them.

Has your child had a recent
Psycho-Educational assessment?

...Feeling overwhelmed?

...Confused about what it all means?

...Unsure of how it translates to the classroom?


We get it and we've got you...

We've sat in countless psycho-ed debrief meetings, and they can be... well, A LOT! You've got complex info thrown at you. You're trying to take in all of the psych-lingo, and make sense of the percentile ranks and different cognitive functions. Meanwhile, your thoughts are bouncing around, and you're wondering what this will look like for your child and their future.


At the end of the process, you've got a diagnosis, and a thick report, BUT you're not really sure what it all means and what to do next... 


Are we on the right track? If so, easy fix! It's all about truly understanding your child and their unique strengths and weaknesses. Let's work together to gain the clarity you need.


Do you already have a good grasp of your child's assessment results? Well, then it's time we set that assessment into action with a solid intervention plan!

...With a Learning Profile Analysis, you'll gain the


you need to give your child the support they deserve.

How does a Learning Profile Analysis work?


We'll do a deep-dive into your child's psycho educational assessment, as well as any other relevant assessments and/or school records.


Using a presentation tailored to your child, we will help you understand your child's learning disability and what the test results and diagnosis(es) mean.


You will gain insight how your child's cognitive and academic strengths and weaknesses, as well as any other factors such as ADHD, are affecting their learning in the classroom.


You will learn how to use your child's strengths to support them and what kinds of supports would work best at school.

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